CAMPS v4   for Windows


Technical Notes
For Chord Definitions
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Creating New Chords
CAMPS organizes a song's MIDI Line data into Tracks, as any MIDI Sequencer. However, the first Track (unnumbered) is dedicated to Chords, a proprietary Track used to build a Tonality reference for use by Auto Composing and other unique features in CAMPS.
The Chord Track contains Chord Blocks, each Block being a set of Chord Containers. A Chord Block can vary in size, depending on the quantity and size of the Chord Containers residing within it.
Rather than having one long Block of Chord Containers for a whole Composition, Chord Containers are typically grouped into smaller Blocks, each having its own Tonal tendencies corresponding to a section of your Composition. This allows CAMPS to assist in Chord Progression development within each Chord Block, which in turn will help you Harmonize individual sections of your Composition more accurately.
To Create New Chords
Since Chord Containers reside in Chord Blocks, you'll first need to have Chord Blocks in the Chord Area of your Document before you can individually manipulate Chords.
CAMPS offers a number of different methods for creating new Chord Blocks including the Pen tool. Select the Pen tool at the top of the Document Window and then click and drag from horizontally in the Chord Area to assign the starting and ending locations of the Chord Block you are about to create. Settings for Chords in the new Chord Block such as Key, Mode and Duration are adjustable at any later time.

Microworks software for the arts
(C) 2003 Microworks