CAMPS v4   for Windows


Technical Notes
For Lines
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Auto Composition based on a mouse-drawn contour
Import your Standard MIDI File into CAMPS, manually or automatically assign Chord Definitions, and you're ready to go ! Once Chord Definitions are assigned, you can Auto Compose hundreds of new Lines based on Chord Definitions and auto analysis of existing Lines. CAMPS can yield very surprising results.
CAMPS offers a number of different methods for Auto Composition including the MelodyDraw pane in the Compose dialog box. The MelodyDraw pane allows you a unique freestyle drawing for directing the Pitch occurrences in Line data being Auto Composed. MelodyDraw will guide the vertical motion of Melodic and Chordal Line data Auto Composition. Doing this repeatedly can yield hundreds of variations.
Depending on the Track Category for the Line Block you select, an appropriate type of Line data for the Track Category will be reComposed.
From the Document Window
Select desired Line Blocks, choose Compose from the Line menu to open the Compose dialog box and then choose MelodyDraw pane. You can adjust drawing for Auto Composing, and to Auto Compose the entire Line data in the selected Line Blocks.
From the Pianoroll/Notation Editors
Select desired Notes, choose Compose from the Line menu to open the Compose dialog box and then choose MelodyDraw pane. You can adjust drawing for Auto Composing, and to Auto Compose the selected Notes.

Microworks software for the arts
(C) 2003 Microworks