CAMPS v4   for Windows


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Organizing a Composition
Line Blocks
When Importing a Standard MIDI File, the original data is left unchanged, but CAMPS divides or encapsulates a Track's Line data into Line Blocks according to data continuity. If no MIDI Events span a given Bar line, the related Line Block ends and a new one starts at this point. Empty Bars are not initially assigned any Line Blocks.

Any or all of a Track's Line Blocks can be merged into a longer one, but you may find it more productive to work with smaller sections of MIDI Line data when using CAMPS Editors. Line Blocks can also be split at any point.

Line Blocks of any length can be created in any location of each Track, with or without Line data, and whether or not other Line Blocks already exist.

When Line Blocks are used to organize different Sections in your composition, such as a Verse or Bridge, they serve to enable quick musical arranging changes because they are referenced by CAMPS during Auto Harmonization and other functions. You can assign a unique name and color to each Line Block, making them easier to distinguish at a glance. You can create, edit, resize, split, copy, duplicate, move or delete Line Blocks as needed.
Chord Blocks
A Chord Block is an array containing a group of Chords Containers. It is indicated and manipulated by its Chord Block Selection Bar, a thin horizontal bar across the top of a Chord Block.

Chord Blocks serve to enable quick musical arranging changes, as they are referenced by CAMPS during Auto Composition and other functions. They also help organize the Tonality of different Sections in your composition, such as a Verse or Bridge. When using CAMPS to Generate Chords, Tonality settings for the current or potential Chord Block are referenced, allowing creation of Chords that flow smoothly from one to the next within a Chord Block. You can create, copy, duplicate, move or delete Chord Blocks as needed.

Microworks software for the arts
(C) 2003 Microworks