CAMPS v4   for Windows



Quick Tour
Overview of the basic features

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Defining Chords - Getting Results
One of the Chord Definition functions in CAMPS, Harmonize allows you to audition thousands of alternate Chords to harmonize your own Melody at every Note. ...maintain smooth continuity with neighboring Chords based on Music Theory.
To achieve totally triadic progressions, for example, you may need to deactivate all the Chord Functions except Diatonic for each Chord before going to Generate or Harmonize.
Smooth Continuity
CAMPS looks for some sort of favorable relation between Chords such as II-V, Dominant resolutions, Deceptive Cadence, etc., making it possible to generate fluent Chord Progressions.
Take your time to choose Chords for your Melody from among the Chords suggested by CAMPS's Auto-Key-Detection and Melody-Analysis capabilities, in all Keys or in the Key you choose.

Title Artist

Samba Pati Santana
Liisten for THREE variations of Chord Definitions (Organ).
Auto Harmonization Sample

Microworks software for the arts
© 1989 - Microworks Corporation