CAMPS v4   for Windows


Quick Tour
Overview of the basic features

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Auto Harmonization of an entire Document
EzHarmonize All is one of the most powerful features in CAMPS available right after opening your favarite song. EzHarmonize All automatically analyzes your song and does some processing tasks including Creating New Chords and Defining Chords so that you can instantly harmonize the entire song by skipping these steps. If you don't like the result, try again. Or you can go details with them by using the dedicated tools such as Auto Harmonize, Input from MIDI Keyboard and Manual definition.
Auto Harmonizing an entire song
Open your S.M.F. file into CAMPS and then choose the EzHarmonize All... command from the Chord menu. CAMPS automatically analyzes your song from the various aspects, generates Chord Containers and assigns appropriate Chords to them. Let's hear what you've got. (You may most likely need to have set up a proper Sound, Volume, etc., for the Chord Track.) Try again if you don't like the result. As you repeat, you will hear hundreds of different Chord Progressions based on the analysis of your original Composition.

SheIsLeavinHome.cdc LongWindRoad.cdc
babylon.cdc abbey_road.cdc
doitagan.cdc TwoHearts.cdc
feel4you.cdc WaterMelonMan.cdc
igy.cdc DolphinDance.cdc

Let's hear the results of Auto Harmonizing.
Click the Triangilar button to start play back.
( Harmonized Chords in E.Piano sound )
Before After

Two Hearts
Dolphin Dance
Do It Again
Stairway To Heaven
Rock It
Rain Drop

Note each of the above samples were created by CAMPS with a SINGLE click of mouse.

Choosing the EzHarmonize All... command in CAMPS v4.2.1 plus will open the VERY powerful EzHarmonize All dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set up parameters such as Harmonic Rhythm sensitivity, detecting Rhythmic Anticipation and/or repetitive Chord Patterns, for the Chord Progressions to be generated.
The "EZ" tools in CAMPS are designed to give a quick starting point and help in familiarization with CAMPS objects used for building compositions. They provide you with the great convenience while They are not designed to automatically create some great music for you. Consequentially, the more parameters you define, the better your musical results will be. The flexibility of the musical tools presented in CAMPS is possible in various dialog boxes.
If you don't like the current allocation of Harmonic Rhythm over your song automatically done by CAMPS, you can resize, relocate and remove any Chord. The Blade tool allows you to split a Chord Block in the middle making it easier to modify the entire allocation.

Microworks software for the arts
© 1989 - Microworks Corporation